27 November 2007

Second life

"Don't believe the hype", appropriate to Second Life. I find the whole idea fascinating and the 4 Corners programme was very good, but I do believe there is a lot of hype around Second Life and it is not as widespread and heavily used as they like to make out. From a library perspective I can't see why you would add one more complex level of entering a virtual environment to get info or data that can be easily retrieved from existing databases, catalogues, and the web. Maybe in years to come improved technology would allow for some aspects of Second Life to be brought into virtual reference services, increase interactivity with online reference.

09 November 2007


Flickr is able to do much more than I initially thought and houses an overwhelming quantity of images. I chose the very sexy shot of our new library building to upload to my blog.

I loved searching the group Colour Fields...lot's of imagination and many inspiring shots. And Montager was a lot of fun the way it creates a mosaic from an image. Designers, photographers, etc must love this site, not to mention anyone and everyone keeping in touch via images on the web. I'm tempted myself to start up an account.

Library applications could include images to showcase a particular aspect of a library or display, or jazz up a library blog.